
Ingrath Stormsong hasn’t known true freedom in decades. From the time he was drafted as a scout by the Aldmeri Dominion, to his current post as Lord Harkon’s Executioner, someone has always had a chain around his neck. One of the leashes he once slipped comes back to haunt him when a Thalmor patrol ambushes him outside Northwatch Keep. Woken up to the fact that he is still being hunted as a deserter, Ingrath sets in motion a chain of events that sees his path winding around Skyrim, stitching together the stories of the other Dawnbreakers as his patrons – Mephala and Hircine – push him ever onward toward a destiny that has been waiting for him from the moment he lost his eye. It is said among the bosmer that those who violate the Green Pact have their songs replaced with silence – but like all Skyrim assassins, silence is Ingrath’s battle cry.